To make a 'box-pleated' ruche:— Cut the material on the exact straight twice the width you want the finished ruche to be. Fold over from both edges toward the middle, slightly lapping the cut edges in the centre. See diagram 2.
Form the pleats by folding first to the right and then to the left. Tack along the centre and then machine right down the middle if you want an even pleat each side, or if you want an uneven effect, stitch to one side of the centre line. See diagram 3
. A very pretty effect is given to ruching if after making the box-pleating, the edge of each pleat is caught up as shown in diagram 4.
Box-pleating makes a nice finish on the edges of collars and cuffs. To do the flat pleating, such as is best for this, cut the material on the exact cross way. Fold down the centre very evenly, making; the two cut edges quite even. Pleat first to riain and then to left, or you can make the pleats to be all one way if you prefer it.
Tack or stitch the pleats along one edge only. This edge is put to the collar outside edge and cuffs edge. The result is a nice stand-out effect.
GATHERED ruching is very lovely if made in silk such as taffeta. The edges of this should be frayed. To fray silk the material must be cut on the exact crossway. Allow three times the length you require the ruche to go on. Make any joins as neatly as possible. With the scissors or a blunt knife, gently drag the edge of the crossway silk.
You will find that one way of the material will fray oetter than the other, so always test a small piece oi the silk first, when you have one side frayed turn to the reverse side of the material to do the other side. Thus you would work on the right side of the silk to do one edge and you would work on the wrong side to do the other edge. Be sure to test the edges first on a small piece.
See diagram 5 for frayed runche.
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